Just wanted to take a second and express my thoughts as to the recent loss of Michael Turner. I luckily had the honor to know Mike as a friend, and colleague over the past few years. As a newbie to the industry he was always kind and supportive. I remember first seeing his work on Witchblade and have to admit it was quite stunning to me. He was a part of a generation of artists that helped craft many of the top talents you see working today. His skills will be missed. Working with him on Fathom for the past year or so, I have to look back and say that I am simply amazed at the work he managed to put out going through all he was. It's truly a lesson to be learned by all other artists in this industry to help realize what a gift it is that we're able to do what we do for a living, and that it should never be taken for granted. I know I have. I look forward to continuing his vision with Fathom Volume 3, and will do my best do his creation justice. A part of me knows I got a new editor over my shoulder 24/7 making sure I do the best work I'm capable of, and that's just fine by me. Dance on, brother!